Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Gou Ji Soup 狗脊汤

狗脊両 (Gou Ji 38g)
合桃二両 (Walnut 75g)
乾螺片二両 (Dried Conch75g)
豬骨斤 (Pork Rib 600g) 
3-4人飲用Serves 3-4pax

豬骨Pork Rib: 下薑蔥汆水quick boil with ginger & spring onion to clean
煲三小時Boil for 3 hours

狗脊: 又名金狗脊或金毛狗脊,味苦甘,性溫,有補肝腎,除風濕,健腰腳,利關節等作用

春夏潮濕 suitable in humid spring/summer season

注意: 陰虛有熱,小便不利者不太適宜服用金狗脊

Ondeh Ondeh

(receipe from my Secondary School Home Economics Textbook)

1 small sweet potato (approx 200g) - yellow inside
2 tbsp plain flour
1 tbsp tapioca flour
Green colouring or pandan juice
1 cup grated coconut (add salt to taste)
12 pieces of gula melaka (peanut size)

1. Scrub the sweet potato and boil until tender. drain well
2. Peel and mash the sweet potato
3. Add the flour and knead to form a pliable dough
4. Add the pandan juice/green coloring. mix well (my experience: Set aside for 20min)
5. Shape the mixture into small ball with a pc of gula melaka in the centre
6. Bring water to boil
7. Drop Ondeh Ondeh one at a time into the boiling water. Cook when floats (my experience: also ensure gula melaka melts)
8. Drain well and roll in grated coconut